ActorFilm DirectorFilm ProducerTelevision ProducerVoice ActorWriter

Did Mark Hamill Get Plastic Surgery? Body Measurements and More!

Never has plastic surgery been more popular or normalized than in today’s society, especially if you are a actor like Mark Hamill, where your appearance can make or break your career. Has Mark Hamill fallen for the temptation? Find out all plastic surgery facts and body measurements below.

Mark Hamill Net Worth and Salary: Mark Hamill is an American actor, producer, writer, and director who has a net worth of $18 million. Although Mark Hamill is best known for playing the role of Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars films, he later carved out an impressive career for himself as an actor, primarily through stage productions and voice acting work.

Mark Hamill's Body Measurements
Height1.75 m, 5’8” (feet & inches)
Body ShapeN/A
Shoe Size (US)N/A

However, while his nose did need to be reset (and various sources indicate that it had to be repaired with cartilage from his ear), Hamill himself told the BBC in 1980 that his injuries weren’t that bad. “Over the period of years,” he said, “it’s built up into having my face reconstructed with plastic surgery.”

Mark Hamill's Plastic Surgeries
Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)N/A
Facelift (Rhytidectomy)N/A
Butt ImplantsN/A
Butt Lift (Buttock Lift)N/A
Eyelid SurgeryN/A
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)N/A

Quotes by Mark Hamill

"I love ensemble pieces, I love being a part of the entire tapestry of a piece, but I think character actors do have a lot more fun, and there's a versatility involved that's challenging and fun, to come up to speed and do what's required of you."

Mark Hamill Plastic SurgeryMark Hamill

"I have failed 'Star Wars' trivia tests. People come up to me at conventions and use terms that I've never heard of."

Mark Hamill Plastic SurgeryMark Hamill

"You know how there are some stars out there who know how to market themselves? I don't have that."

Mark Hamill Plastic SurgeryMark Hamill

"Acting in 'Star Wars' I felt like a raisin in a giant fruit salad, and I didn't even know who the cantaloupes were."

Mark Hamill Plastic SurgeryMark Hamill

"I have a sneaking suspicion that if there were a way to make movies without actors, George Lucas would do it."

Mark Hamill Plastic SurgeryMark Hamill